Frankie’s Friends helped Prince receive emergency surgery for an amputation due to a broken leg. This is a note from Prince’s family.
“Why is is the most important thing to have. Well most individuals welcome all kinds of pets into there home grow to love and care and take responsibility as if it was a human family member. Sometimes we go through life and watch our loved pet grow old until we have to say goodbye. But other times these circumstances come up unexpected and we don’t think to save or get health insurance, most dont have credit card and no monies available to pay extremely high prices to keep your pet healthy and alive. All we do is pray that we don’t have to make a choice to euthanize loved pets because of being poor and can’t afford the cost to fix him/her. Through all the sadness thank goodness there are programs like this to help the unfortunate to help with there pets who are a part of there family. This program is so very appreciated because without it we would have to say goodbye to our pets who are part of our family. We definitely need more programs like this to help with unbearable costs of fixing, healing and getting families through to keep their pets healthy and Alive.
Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to apply for the assistance program and allowing me to keep my pet with us to live out a happy and productive life.”