Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped Remi receive life changing ulnar shortening osteotomy at BluePearl in Maitland FL. This is a note from Remi’s family.
“I want to thank you from the bottom of our help for helping our little Remi with his leg surgery. We didn’t know what to do because surgery was so expensive and it took every dime from Care Credit to pay half of the cost. Remi had to have surgery. Not having it was not an option, as he was in pain and limping because one bone was growing fast than the other.
Thanks to you and your generosity, Remi is starting to heal and looks good so far. They had to put a rod between the bones to help the bone grow back over the rod. I’ve attached pictures of our little guy who just loves to be loved, spoiled, and always wants his tummy rubbed, which is why we call him “Wienee Roller”. He’ll come up to you and then roll over onto his back. He is also stubborn and a little stinker!
Currently, we are having to fight for our home that is in probate and with my husband’s Parkinson’s and not being able to drive a semi truck anymore, we rely on my income and his social security. It’s pretty scary, but we take thing one day at a time.
Thank you again for your love and generosity. When we get on our feet, I promise to pass this on and help when I can. I’ve attached some pictures of our little prince.
Warm Regards,”